Before today, we never understood why people associated black cats with dark magic. But now, we think we know why. What kind of ritual are these cats even getting into? Of course, maybe we're looking at this the wrong way. The cats could just be trying to play like they see the children doing all the time. Still, if we were walking by and saw this, we'd probably turn around as quickly as possible.
The Cat Coven Has Assembled
Before today, we never understood why people associated black cats with dark magic. But now, we think we know why. What kind of ritual are these cats even getting into? Of course, maybe we're looking at this the wrong way. The cats could just be trying to play like they see the children doing all the time. Still, if we were walking by and saw this, we'd probably turn around as quickly as possible.
An old superstition says you need to turn around and go a different way if a black cat crosses your path. But that just sounds like a lot of extra walking.
This Must Be for Some Bizarre World Record
For so many people, winter is the best time of the year. There's no brutal sun that makes you sweat, there are a lot of fun holidays, and you can always pile into the car with your friends and head up the nearest hill for some skiing. Just make sure before you go that you didn't accidentally bring any of your pets. Otherwise, you might wind up carrying a sheep down a mountain like this guy.
We wish we knew what the lead-up to this photo was. But, at the same time, maybe it's better we don't know.
The Pug's Thinking: Mom, Is That You?!
Some people are very particular about what breed of dog they get. While some people can go to the shelter and get themself a mutt, others will need to go to a specific breeder and get a very specific dog. That's what it looks like happened in this case, as this person is totally and completely pug crazy. Her poor pug doesn't even know what to think of the pug mask!
We're not going to lie, we'd be pretty scared if we saw someone walking around like this in our house too.
Just Another Night Out in England
This picture almost reminds us of a Where's Waldo painting or something. Every time we look at it, we notice something new that we hadn't seen before. For example, did you see the man in blue picking up his pants and trying to hold onto his beer? What about the woman in white laughing at him? We wish we could hear from one of these cops what was actually going on here.
This is why you drink responsibly, kids. This night out at the bar clearly went south, and while the guy closest to the camera is getting cuffed on the ground, his girlfriend is trying to convince the cops to go easy.
Took Us a Moment to Notice the Third Dog
When you're planning to go out, there are a few essential things to consider. You need to figure out who you're hanging with; that's pretty important. You also need to figure out where you're going and how you're getting there. Thankfully, it looks like these three have it all figured out. They got a ride in a pickup bed and even brought along a backpack so their smallest friend could join even after his legs got tired!
We love how this bulldog is wearing his best hoodie to go out with his friends. We think he looks very stylish!
Work Smarter, Not Harder
We're just going to come out and say what everybody has been thinking: umbrellas are the worst. They don't actually keep you dry, they bring all the water inside the house, and they're never big enough to walk comfortably with two people. But, if you're walking around with many more people, this tent hack may work for you. It's better than an umbrella in about a million ways; you can see why below.
That tent is like the mega-coach bus of umbrellas. Everyone fits, nobody gets wet, and if you've already got the tent, no purchase is required!
Batman, Mothman, and Scared Man
This picture is the epitome of total confusion. Is this a weird shutter effect? Is that a man-sized bug in the background? And wait, is that actual Batman? We have so many questions. This cemetery screencap looks like it was taken on a pretty wild night out at exactly the wrong time. Although, come to think of it, we're not sure if this cameraman could take another such high-quality photo of a bug if he tried, so well done.
Now we just want to know - is that the real Batman or a cardboard cutout?
We Hope That Engine Doesn't Break
We don't know about these people, but our parents always taught us to be wary of wild animals. They probably wouldn't like us getting inside a giant metal cage and driving right into the heart of a lion enclosure for feeding time. But, lo and behold, that's what all of these people below are doing. What would motivate them to do such a thing? We have no idea. Just watch
The Lion King
RIP Chris
If you walk into a store called Dogs R Us, you're probably expecting something like a Toys R Us, except for dog toys. But then, if there's a logo of a dog holding a hot dog on the poster, you might be assuming it's a hot dog place. Let's go further– what if the hot dogs are made out of dogs? And of course, we can't forget the subtext on the poster: RIP Chris, Now Hiring.
This is actually a real place in Titusville, Florida, and we would love to go. RIP Chris, though.
Welcome to the Neighborhood
We don't mean to insult anyone's lifestyle choices, but there are a few things that are simply common sense. For example, if you're headed into an ambulance, you already have enough health problems. That is not the time that you need to be smoking a cigarette. Also, someone needs to tell this kid that if he wants to show off his hunting trophies, waving a dead squirrel around in everyone's faces isn't the way to do it.
On the bright side, this probably isn't a boring neighborhood for those who live there.
Just Another Day at the Park
Wild boars are serious and dangerous pest animals in many different areas around the globe. That's what it looks like we're dealing with here, as a wild boar is running wild through a picnic area. It also looks like the animal has grabbed someone's picnic basket (and their clothes), and now he's escaping with all of it. The guy chasing them looks horrified, but everyone else seems to enjoy themselves.
Let us know if you can figure this out – are the boar's feet censored in the photo, or did the animal just step into a cardboard box?
We're Glad the Sewing Machine's Undamaged
It's a surprising thing that not everyone knows about cars, but they actually don't float. Shocker, we know. This UPS driver thought his van could make maritime deliveries and learned the hard way that it absolutely can not. Then, on his way back up and out of the water, his truck got stuck. Thankfully, the young man in the photo could save his precious sewing machine from the sinking truck before anything happened to it. Also, it looks like he's maybe on his way to prom.
Every time we look at this photo, it gets weirder and more confusing.
When the Neighbor Needs to Borrow Some Sugar
This kitchen is giving drive-thru a whole new meaning. Usually, it's people with cars going up to the window. Sometimes, you'll even get people walking around. But an elephant? This guy could eat the entire kitchen and still be hungry! Plus, he's got a cheeky look in his eyes that says he will want dessert today too. We're just glad we're not the ones who have to cook for the big guy.
Realistically, if you have a hole this big in the wall of your kitchen, elephants are the least of your worries. How are you even supposed to keep out the bugs? Oh, we understand now - the elephant was the one who created the hole. Oh, boy.
Someone Please Explain What's Going on Here
It took us a few minutes of staring at this picture to figure out what we were looking at. We thought that maybe someone had just photoshopped out the people's legs. But then we realized that the picture was just snapped at the perfect time. In the middle of this dance, there's a moment where everyone jumps and tucks their legs in, and that's exactly when the photographer decided to snap a picture!
We're not exactly sure what festival this is or from what country, but we love that everyone is having a good time!
Would Your Horse Like Fries With That?
Many fast food companies have a rule that you are not allowed to use the drive-thru without a vehicle. They do this to protect employees from anyone standing outside who may want to reach into the windows. With a car, there is a video record of who was there, and it creates some space between employees and customers. Still, though, we're not exactly sure if what's going on in this picture applies.
By the way, if you hadn't noticed, instead of your typical television displaying the orders from the drive-thru, that's Rick Roll pictured up there.
We Should All Take Health and Literature Advice From This Guy
The New York City subway is one of the strangest places in the world. Every day you will see something new that will either amaze you, scare you, or both. In this case, we feel like it's both. This guy is openly reading a book about something quite intimate. And all the while, he's munching away on a giant head of lettuce. He must be a rabbit in disguise or something!
Take a peek at that woman in the background looking at him and smirking. She seems to be enjoying the heck out of this show.
Relationship Goals
These two folks make for quite the interesting couple, especially with everything else that's going on in the picture. Apparently, this woman can't eat an ice cream cone normally; she needs to swallow it whole. And her husband has decided to bring the cat out on a walk with them. But instead of putting it on a leash, it's in a denim holder strapped to his chest! We didn't even know they make those for cats.
If you look closely, the guy seems to be glaring at the cameraman. So, he probably didn't want his picture taken looking like that in the first place.
The Tables Have Turned
Most people keep livestock so that these animals can make their lives easier. For example, mules or donkeys are wonderful farm animals who can help pull carts, carry goods, or be companions. But if an animal isn't pulling its weight, chances are it will make your work even harder. That's what seems to be happening here, as this donkey refuses to walk home, and his owner is forced to drag him on the cart.
Everyone deserves a day off every once in a while, and it's probably been a while since this little guy had one of his own.
This Guys Needs To Cool Down
Eating in themed restaurants like the Rainforest Cafe is always an exciting experience. We can't guarantee the food will be amazing, but the experience will be one of a kind. Still, we can't exactly tell what the theme is at this restaurant. It looks vaguely Italian, but the only distinguishing feature in this decor is that they're cooking the host! Seriously though, how are allusions to cannibalism going to help bring customers in the door?
Or another option is that this is a soup restaurant.
The Moose Just Wanted Some Company
So picture this – you walk into your house and tread down to the basement to face off with your siblings in a game of ping pong. But you turn the corner at the stairs, and a fully grown Moose is staring back at you. And he's angry. What are you going to do? In this case, the people called the police, who were able to help remove the animal from the house.
Apparently, this moose fell through a snow-covered window and wound up in this family's basement. So this must have been a traumatic experience for the moose, too!
We Wonder What Zappa Would've Thought About Netflix
This artwork features Frank Zappa in front of one of the strangest gadgets ever invented. It's a non-functional television that draws its feed from a septic tube, running from a toilet sitting one story up. The theme behind the work is that the media being presented on television is devoid of value for the American people. But that's not something TV executives want to hear, so Zappa naturally ruffled some feathers with this one.
The piece of art was created by an artist named Frank Kunert, whose work combines lifestyle photography with a love of metaphysics and the grotesque.
Somebody Needs To Help Save The Bees
Right now, the world is in a crisis. And surprisingly, saving the population of bees is something that could be super helpful. These essential insects are critically endangered, and it looks like the women in this picture are having a clever protest about the subject. They are dressed up as doctors or nurses and are carrying a massive bee on a stretcher as if it's on its way to the hospital.
We wonder if these two women brought anyone else out to protest with them or if this was a solo mission. Regardless, everyone in the background looks like they're enjoying it.
He's in for the Scare of a Lifetime
It looks like this guy just had a rough night. By the look in his eyes, he seems half hungover and half asleep, so he's definitely not expecting the giant jump scare coming his way in a second. The funniest part is that you can see the Kiss poster in the background, so he's obviously a fan of the band's look. But we don't think he will be a fan of this fairly rude awakening.
We guess the cameraman is hiding in the shower stall and waiting to catch the reaction. This is a pretty elaborate prank just to get a rise from one of your friends.
This Is One Serious Traffic Jam
This giant herd of sheep must be using the interstate to access some better grazing ground. Still, we hope there weren't any blind corners in the road, and everyone was able to slow down before coming into this mess. As you can see from the blue sedan in the background, picking through this mess of sheep is no easy business. The woman in red seems to be having an easier time of it, though.
We can't figure out if someone just caught this picture of a bunch of people held up in a sheep jam or if this was done intentionally for a photo shoot. But the result makes us chuckle either way.
That's a Lot of Junk on His Trunk
Our parents always told us to beware of people with too many bumper stickers on their cars. Everyone is already too opinionated; there's no reason to risk bothering somebody on the road with a giant advertisement for one of your beliefs. But this person has no issue doing that. They have so little problem with it that their entire car is covered in bumper stickers. And let's just say they're not all the most appropriate.
Every time we go back to read a new sticker, it gets even more ridiculous. How can you even drive this car to work if it says that about Karen from finance?
That Pony's Going to Need Some Therapy
What are we thinking? This has to be some type of renaissance fair, right? We don't know where else you would have a petting zoo with small animals and people dressed like fairytale court jesters. The whole thing is pretty weird. We can't figure out where this green Raggedy Annie came from, and the horse can't seem to figure it out either. Judging by that look in his eyes, it will take him a while to get over this.
Looking closer, we're not actually sure if that's a real horse. The proportions look really strange for an animal that size.
Please Hire Them When We Kick the Bucket
Who says a funeral can't be fun? These social gatherings are usually sad and only offer people a place to grieve. But what if you want your funeral to be a time of celebration for those who loved you to gather around and enjoy? Well, then you need to call Black Sabbath funeral at 1-800-Voodoo. They can give you and your guests the premier, fun funeral experience, as long as you're willing to pay the right price.
We're not going to lie; if we saw this driving down the highway, we'd probably get pretty freaked out. Seeing Chuckie still gives us the shivers.
It's Called an Emotional Support Rooster, Okay?
At first glance, we thought this picture was of someone with a crazily righteous fauxhawk. It turns out, it's much more like it's a real hawk on their head instead. Of course, that's not actually a hawk, it's a rooster, but this kid is giving off serious Pokemon trainer energy here. They're battling someone on an online game and have their trusty sidekick nearby. Or maybe this is some phone call center where strange pets are allowed.
The funniest part is that none of the other kids seem phased by the rooster on their friend's head. For them, it's just another ordinary day.
Maybe Blessing Electronics With Holy Water Isn't the Best Idea
We're not sure if we're looking at an exorcism or some ritual blessing, but we hope this pastor doesn't wind up splashing any water on that computer. We're unsure if it says this anywhere in the scriptures, but water and electricity do not mix. So, this guy will look like Deacon Blue if he's not careful. Still, we'd love to find out why he was called out there in the first place.
Even though the pastor looks like he's having a great time, the woman in green looks confused about this whole thing.
This Photobomber Better Run Fast Before Those Seagulls Smell His Fish
If you're going on a lovely beach vacation, you might as well try to get a few nice pictures to post on social media afterward. Otherwise, no one will know you ever went! But, if you're planning that, here's a tip. You might not want to take a picture in the middle of a hoard of seagulls while all the fishermen are trying to gather their catch for the day. As you can see, it won't make anyone happy.
This lady looks mad at the fisherman, the fisherman seems mad at the cameraman, and the seagulls just look like seagulls.
Designated Chairman of the Dirty Car Committee
Every once in a while, if someone falls asleep early at a sleepover, you and your other friends can do something harmless and fun to play a cool prank. Still, if that's what's going on here, it doesn't look like such a cool prank. It's got to be hot inside of all that pleather! Besides that, we can't figure out what would motivate this guy to put himself in this position.
This whole van looks like it's falling apart, so it's probably not that big a deal that he tore this seat up. Still, that can't be a comfortable way to ride, can it?
Don't Pee on the Floor, or Else...
There are clearly some troublemakers operating around this subway station because the place is an absolute mess. There's a sign on the wall that clearly says no urinating, but then there's a giant trail of water extending out from the wall, which shows no one has been listening. Also, the ATM was put there to convenience people, and by destroying it, these hooligans have just inconvenienced everyone. Still, none of that is as confusing as that third sign there. What is that even trying to say?
We think maybe this second sign is a threat in reference to the first. If we catch you peeing, there will be cutting. Dark, but maybe it's true.
And the World Championship Goes to
Sumo wrestling is a well-respected, traditional Japanese sport that sees carefully trained athletes competing to hurl each other out of the ring. Here in the picture, we're not exactly looking at the pinnacle of sumo, but we are looking at two people in sumo suits making their best wrestling impressions. Red has the upper hand here. But, if blue rolls just a little bit, they might be able to reverse the move and get on top.
If you've ever worn one of those suits, then you know they make it incredibly hard to move around. You basically lose the ability to use your arms until you take the suit off.
Nothing to See Here - Just a Lemur Eating a Lollipop at a Bar
Lemurs are such fascinating little animals. They're not precisely monkeys, but those opposable thumbs always remind us of humans. Just look at the way this lemur can perfectly grip that strawberry lollipop! Oh, what's a lemur doing eating a lollipop, you ask? We wish we knew. And that's not even the weirdest part about what's happening here. You can't tell from the picture, but this lemur was at a bar!
Lemurs are supposedly the planet's oldest primates. So it's wild that they can hang out at a bar surrounded by humans like this.
Quite the Chaotic Painting
This magnificent piece of artwork, titled El Triunfo de la Muerte or The Triumph of Death, was painted by Pieter Bruegel, the Elder, around 1562. The painting has been displayed in the Museo del Prado in Madrid since the early 19th century. It is still so widely regarded after all these years because, just like the rest of the photos in this list, the more you look at it, the more you will see.
When we look at this painting, we inevitably find ourselves drawn to the smoke rising off the center of the horizon. What horrible thing will come next, it seems to ask.