2020 has been a roller coaster and it is only March. We started with the Australian wildfires, then Kobe Bryant died, and now there is a world pandemic.
1. Can 2020 Be Over Already
2020 has been a roller coaster and it is only March. We started with the Australian wildfires, then Kobe Bryant died, and now there is a world pandemic.
How much more can we handle this year? Everything for a majority of the year has been canceled, so let's just skip ahead to 2021.
2. Keep Your Hands Away From Your Face
With colds, the flu, and viruses spreading like wildfire, you mustn't touch your face. It is simple and can help you stay safe and clean in many ways.
Touching your face spreads the germs from any surface you have contacted to your face, and bacteria can get in your eyes, nose, and throat. Also, touching your face causes acne, and that is the last thing you want.
3. "Hey Buddy, Are You Still There"- Netflix
How about this, I will turn off Netflix when I am good and ready. Why is it that you can't binge 50 episodes of a show without the annoying interruption of Netflix asking if you are still watching.
There should be an option to turn off this feature. Do you hear that Netflix? We are giving you brilliant ideas for free.
4. Put More Chips In The Bag
When you open a fresh bag of chips just to realize the bag is three-quarters air with about six chips in it. You probably feel cheated by the snack company, and you are not alone.
Why pay $4 for mostly air when you can breathe it for free. Save money, breathe more.
5. Personal Hygiene Keeps You Clean
Along with not touching your face and cleaning your phone, you should also wash your hands. Washing your hands is more effective at killing germs than using hand sanitizer.
You should wash your hands for at least twenty seconds. You can sing a song like "Happy Birthday," "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," or the chorus of "Oops I Did It Again" to make sure you have washed long enough.
6. Forever Alone
As you start to approach you mid to late-twenties, your older family members will ask you if you are in a relationship or not. It starts to get annoying to have to remind them that yes, you are still single.
It is always your adorable grandma who asks, and you don't want to be rude because you love her. But at the same time, it is a painful reminder that you still haven't mastered cuffing season.
7. Stop Being Sad, Everyone Is Stuck In Quarantine
We understand that it sucks to have to stay inside, but if it makes you feel better, everyone is stuck inside. There are no parties or vacations.
We are in this together! Stay home, and video chat with your friends. Have a virtual happy hour or watch Netflix together from sperate homes. The sooner everyone stays in their homes, the sooner this will be over.
8. There Should Be Snow Days For Work
Remember when you were a child, and you got excited to get a phone call from your school saying it was a snow day. It would be nice to have the same excitement as an adult.
Unless you work as a teacher, you probably aren't getting those phone calls anymore. Even when there is snow, you have to work from home, and that is not as fun as a real snow day.
9. "I Totally Love The Rolling Stones"
Have you ever seen someone wearing a band t-shirt and you know for a fact they have never listened to that artist? It is funny to ask them, "so what's your favorite song by them?" To which they reply that they only got the shirt cause it looked cute.
Listen, if you are going to wear a band t-shirt, at least listen to one of their popular songs, so you don't seem like a total imposter.
10. When You Don't Know Who The Tinder Profile Belongs To
When you use a dating app, do not post a group picture. When you come across a group picture, you are probably hoping the person who is the most attractive is the one who owns the profile. Then you swipe to their next picture, and it isn't the attractive one.
Also, people will post only group pictures and then you never know who you are connecting with. Don't post group pictures, or you are setting yourself up for failure.
11. Names Are Not That Hard To Spell
Why is it that Starbucks is notorious for spelling names incorrectly? They take a simple name like Michelle, and it somehow turns into Missle. How did that happen?
There is a theory that the employees do it on purpose as a marketing tactic. Still, names aren't that hard to spell Starbucks.
12. No One Cares How Much You Like Drake
In 2017, Spotify started releasing "Spotify Wrapped" at the end of the year so users could see their listening stats. For some reason in 2019, everyone and their mother felt the need to screenshot their results and put it on their social media stories.
Sorry to break it to you, but no one cares if Kanye West was your top artist of the year. That means nothing to your followers.
13. Spends $200 Extra A Month To Watch 3 Shows
There is Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, CBS All Access, Hulu, Youtube TV, HBO Now, and many, many more. More and more shows are being taken off Netflix to be put on a more exclusive streaming service.
To keep up with all your favorite shows you have to have at least four different subscriptions. How do you remember all your passwords, or what service has what show?
14. "Post Unavailable: This Account Is Private"
Sending memes to friends on Instagram is all fun and games until you open your chat to see "Post Unavailable: This Account is Private."
If an account is private, don't send memes from them because you do not know if all your friends follow the account. And it is frustrating not to be able to laugh at what would have been a great meme.
15. "HAHAHAHAH"- Jimmy Fallon
Jimmy Fallon is a late-night TV show host, and he will laugh at anything. Sometimes things aren't funny and he will still laugh.
Even when jokes are only mildly funny, Jimmy will be cackling with laughter. Maybe he is thinking about something more entertaining in his head. Let us in on the joke, Jimmy.
16. Why Is This Tik Tok On Snapchat?!
Tik Tok has taken over the internet, literally. On any social media platform, you can find people sharing Tik Toks, and people have had enough.
Tik Tok video should stay on one app. If people wanted to watch Tik Toks, they would download the app; we don't need to see them on every form of social media.
17. Seinfield Is Way Better Than Friends
Well, this is debatable. It is hard to compare the two shows because people like them for different reasons.
18. No One Cares About Your Daily Workout, Bethany
People love to take to social media to brag about their fitness lifestyle and progress. It can be great to see how hard people are working, but we don't need to see the same four home workouts every day on Instagram.
People will post one workout on their story and suddenly think they have turned into a fitness coach. We hate to break it to them, but no one cares.
19. Forever Alone
Valentine's Day is a holiday to celebrate love, but it sucks when you are single and have to watch couples be lovey-dovey around you.
There should be a holiday to celebrate single people around the world. Being single is great, and it should be something to celebrate.
20. Daylight Savings Makes No Sense
One day a year you wake up and you have lost an hour of sleep, and another day of the year you have gained an hour. What is the point of the time change?
Daylight savings time was initially implemented to save energy by having an extra hour of daylight, but now it doesn't save energy, and it is pointless.
21. "Spring Break #NeverLeaving"
People on spring break love to post a million pictures, especially with the caption, "never leaving." Spring break is only a week-long, Victoria; you have to leave.
We get it, most people wouldn't want to leave their tropical vacation, but you don't have to pretend like you are going to quit school and spend the rest of your life at a cheap hotel in Miami.
22. Are You Sure You Want To Unsubscribe?
When you want to unsubscribe from a mailing list, it is usually because you don't want to receive emails from that company anymore. So, why would they send a confirmation email which contradicts the point of you unsubscribing?
Also, why do they make it so difficult to unsubscribe? First, you have to enter your email, then tell them why you are unsubscribing, and then they want to make sure that you definitely want to unsubscribe.
23. Halloween and Thanksgiving Come First
Have you ever been walking around a mall in mid-October and you notice that Christmas decorations are already being sold. Did everyone forget that Halloween and thanksgiving come before Christmas?
Why are these stores trying to rush through the last half of the year? Let's all just take a breath and enjoy each holiday one at a time!
24. The Middle Seat Is The Worst
The age-old debate about the middle seat getting the armrest has finally been solved by this man with a sign. He says that the middle seat should get the armrest so everyone should listen to him.
There have been many arguments that the middle seat is the worst so it should come with at least one perk, and that is the armrest.
25. Big Brother Is Listening
It is really creepy when you are having a conversation about teeth whitening, and all of a sudden your social media is mysteriously filled with ads for teeth whitening.
How are they able to legally spy on your conversations? Why do they know that you have been talking about buying a Squatty Potty??
26. No Barbara, You Aren't A Comedian
When you leave work on December 31 and say, "see you next year" to all your coworkers. While you may think it's a great joke, it isn't.
You will see your coworkers in a few days, don't give them too much excitement that you will be gone for 365 days.
27. When You See A Story Of A Concert, Click Unfollow
Before smartphones, people would enjoy a concert without recording the entire thing. Now that Snapchat and Instagram stories are popular, you can basically watch any concert from home because someone is probably posting the entire thing.
No, Jessica, I don't want to see the entire Drake concert you went to because I can hear you singing in the background, and it ruins the song.
28. The Equivalent Of Being Left On Read
In iMessage, you can react to a message instead of replying, but you should still reply. No one likes to be left on read because it feels like you are being ignored.
Liking a message is not equivalent to a response, and everyone should know that by now.
29. Thanks A Lot, Dolly
Dolly Parton started the Dolly Parton challenge. It is when you post a different picture that you would use for Linked In, Tinder, Facebook, and Instagram.
Everyone and their mother started posting their Dolly Parton Challenge pictures, but it quickly got boring and overdone.